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Mr. Anil Agrawal


Kanha Makhan Group of Schools

“Nothing ever built arose to touch the skies, unless someone dreamt that it should, believed that it could and Almighty willed that it must.”

Charles Kettering

From my long experience and arduous journey, I’ve deduced that in order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.

And Kanha Makhan Millennium School, so to speak, is a vessel carrying the cargo of my life’s best treasure. Since its inception in 2013, we have indefatigably endeavoured, and successfully too, if I so say, to etch academic excellence into the student’s personality by constantly chiselling it through the equal dosage of challenges and guidance. Education is the basis of all progress. Its objective is to cultivate humanitarian values, wisdom, compassion, courage, and reliability in students. Then, academic excellence along with its much neglected peer, active participation in co-curricular activities completes the process of education.

Real-life application of knowledge and skills have been the hallmark of KMMS, an  educational revolution of sorts, one can witness here. The caring and sensitized ethos have helped our students evolve into caring and triumphant Members of Society and incidentally, blossom into responsible and global citizens. We lend the desired platform and work tirelessly in the backdrop to applaud our students in all their pursuits, be with them, behind them and around them. Kanha Makhan Millennium School rejoices and celebrates the success of its students. It shouldn’t be an overstatement that KMMS has created a niche for itself in the educational universe.

Indeed, it’s our commitment that KMMS will continue to promote quality education in order that the children can draw actual delight from learning and reap abundant harvest as long as they are under our umbrella.

Teaching according to us is not ‘run-of-the-mill-job”. It is a commitment that demands impeccable character and elements of honesty and sacrifice. It, from my vantage point, is an elevated position of a Nation Builder. Unless the teachers of the Nation imbibe this spirit, the country will keep slumping on the Corruption Perception Index, not to mention the various ills it’d fall prey to. Realising the superior stature of teachers, we constantly work to develop massive confidence in our pool of highly dedicated and motivated staff and faculty members who unfailingly offer our students the guidance, knowledge, and emotional support they need to sail through the thickest of waters. The expertise of our staff is backed by our state-of-the art facilities and infrastructure.We are proud to say that this novel system of education is the hallmark of only and only KMMS. And I, with my fraternity, envision a future where our students emerge leaders and maestros contributing positively towards the progress of our nation and of humanity at large. And we are ready to sail in the ocean called life. May the beacon of truth and knowledge show us the right path.

“If I cannot be the sun that shines upon the earth, I can still be the lamp and light up my street.”

We come across boundless narratives of what works in education and especially in schools! But regardless of the archetypal, so sought after educational institutions , can’t we think of education where meritocracy upholds and opportunities reach to the last sliver ?

Despite India’s wide history of learning and knowledge, the Indian education system has confronted numerous challenges, including inequality in education, obsolete curricula, and inadequate and inept technological environment.

Accounting for the above stated scarcity  and as a timely remedy answering the need of the hour, Kanha Makhan Millennium School’s assumption of position as a leveller for the region is assured. Walking the talk, KMMS is the emissary of the utopia, at least in education. It is incontestable that, we deliver prime educational facilities and International standards (not just in name) so that it is economically feasible. I have an unwavering belief that this will ease and expedite, the otherwise stormy journey of students and give them a chance to witness the elusive aristocratic world first-hand and, if God willing, be a crucial part of it

Mr. Lalit Agrawal


Kanha Makhan Group of Schools

With this design, KMMS has modernized its curricula to better reflect the needs of the modern workforce. With modern facilities like culinary lab, recording studio, D&T lab, fashion technology lab and many such innovative approaches, it has carved its name as the most progressive school in the vicinity.

What’s more is that in a world driven by algorithms and with the phenomenal rise of Artificial Intelligence, the domain of cognitive processes are witnessing a revolution. Teaching metacognitive skills, the process of thinking about one’s own thinking and learning, to students has become an educational imperative.

Adding a layer of modernization, Experiential Learning Strategies, in the contemporary setting, are gaining in importance. A digital mindset is a critical catalyst for the future of education. Beyond the one-size-fits-all system of education, differentiated instruction, and personalised learning are the new order.

Let the culture of excellence, children’s holistic development, and well-being of all continue to be our watchwords for the future. Together, let’s build a school of the future, a timeless institution. 

My best wishes to all our students!

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